
Ola Gorie is one of Britain's most important jewellery designers. A pioneer in the 1960's, she explored her Celtic and Norse heritage to find inspiration for her jewellery, hand-crafted in Orkney.

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The Hebridean Baker and the Orcadian Jeweller

The Hebridean Baker and the Orcadian Jeweller

Over the past few years, a quietly-spoken, loudly-dressed home-baker from Lewis has be...
Artists of Orkney - Colin Kirkpatrick

Artists of Orkney - Colin Kirkpatrick

  'Kringlo’ is an Orkney word meaning ‘stars.’ But stars of a particular kind: the so...
Autumn gold

Autumn gold

Thoughts on autumn in Orkney: the golden season, when the barley and wheat ripen and stubble fields glow in the evening sun. And our minds turn to the warm glow Ola Gorie's gold jewellery...